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All posts by Ricardo P.

Swimsuit Through Century

Well, since the summer, the time of bikini body and everything about it is coming closer, we have prepared something for you. We know that all that you are thinking about right now is what type of bikini are you going to buy and how

Načo sú sex ponuky – prežije prostitúcia modernú dobu?

Sex ponuky boli populárne od nepamäti. Už v milosti páni vyhľadávali niekoho na potešenie, už v dávnych dobách ženy predávali svoje telo, aby uživili rodinu. Prežijú sex ponuky za peniaze dobu, kde stále častejšie počuť o „priateľoch s benefitmi?“ Kamarát na sex Isté, kamoš na

Do You Send The Texts You Want To Send?

We are lucky that nowadays, most of the communication is done via texts, Facebook, etc. Because, we do have time to think through what we really want to say. Unlike in real face-to-face conversations, where things cannot be unsaid. While when you are writing a

The Word Mother And Its Meaning

The word we learn to say first, or the word that most of us learn to say first is definitely “mother”. Or maybe mom, mommy, or something like that. The meaning, however, does not change. At least, not while we are children. But as the

This Video Shows How Easy It Is To Abduct A Child

Child abduction is a big issue today. Many children are abducted every day all around the world and the fact is that even though you think that your child is safe, the truth is, you never know. We all learn our children that they should

Guys Answering Awkvard Questions

If there is anything that you have ever wanted to ask your boyfriend or male friend but you were simply too ashamed to do so, well, you do not have to. All the questions, and the answers to them, are here. Seriously. Because, we all

Reality Or Photoshop?

We often wish we were skinnier, had whiter teeth or bigger boobs. But is using a photoshop on your photos a solution? Is it helping you or harming you? Knowing that the person that is on the photo is really not who you are? It

Sad? This Will Cheer You Up!

Are you feeling low? Well, we all have worse days from time to time. Life is like that, once you are up and once you are down. We all know that such a depression can last for a really long time and sometimes can have

What Happened Last Night?

Oh those Friday nights! And Saturday mornings after, you know what I mean. The best case scenario, you only have a slight hangover. But what if you have had too many coctails? You will probably end up picking up the pieces of what happened on