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Category Archives: Love is in the air!

Will You Relationship Last?

So you are in a new relationship, congratulations! Would you like to know whether it will last or not? Well, who would not, right? Let´s have a look at some signs of a lasting relationship that will help you find out, shall we? If you

Fun Things You Should Do As A Couple

We all desire to keep your relationships fun and interesting for as long as it is possible, right? We simply detest stereotype and so we are willing to do what it takes to avoid it. Are we? Well, I bet that we are, but sometimes,

Things That Make Your Relationship Strong

Do you know what the things that make a relationship work are? Well, if you do not, then let´s have a look at it together, shall we? Honesty – if you and your boyfriend are not honest with each other, your relationship can hardly last

The Types Of Dates That Guys Hate

Okay, at first, let´s make it clear. We are not talking about every single guy. It may be possible that your boyfriend are going to be perfectly fine with any of the date that I am listing below, however, it is very unlikely. Just so

Who Gives The Best Dating Advice?

How do you feel about receiving advice on dating? Do you believe that we should or should not listen to other people telling us how to deal with our relationships? Or do you think that we should rather do what we feel is right and

Still In Love But Breaking Up?

We break up for many reasons. Mostly it is because we stop loving each other, or when someone cheats on us. And it is not that hard to break up with someone once you do not have feelings for the person, however, it is much

What It Is Like To Be Married

Most of the newlyweds have big expectations for their marriage. But some of them are also very scared of the unknown and listening to your friends and your family telling you about their marital problems is really not helping them to feel better. If you

Can You Guess What These Wedding Dresses Are Made Of?

The proof that you can make clothes out of everything is in these wedding dresses that are made of toilet paper. Yes, toilet paper. The one you use when… Well, never mind, you all know. These dresses were not made for actual wedings, of course,