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Are Placebos Working?

It is said that when you take a placebo you can actually trick your brain into producing chemicals which cause that you really feel better afterwards. Well, of course it is all just happening in our head and we cannot really rely on placebos to

Come Here All My Tall Girls!

We know that you are struggling. Because being tall sounds amazing, but in fact, there are lots of disadvantages to it. Those that no one, only tall girls understand. Situations like taking a shower, going out in high heels, picking a boyfriend that would be

Forgetting The Names

Guys, has this ever happened to you? Forgetting someone´s name? It is a little awkward, right? But it sometimes happens to everybody. Well, we obviously cannot remember names of all the people we meet in the clubs or at the parties, can we? But when

Tiny Houses To Take As An Inspiration

How would you like living in a house that would be big enough to serve your purpose but also small enough, so you would have no big problem cleaning it? And it would fit anywhere! Would not that be awesome? If you are as excited

Swimsuit Through Century

Well, since the summer, the time of bikini body and everything about it is coming closer, we have prepared something for you. We know that all that you are thinking about right now is what type of bikini are you going to buy and how

Načo sú sex ponuky – prežije prostitúcia modernú dobu?

Sex ponuky boli populárne od nepamäti. Už v milosti páni vyhľadávali niekoho na potešenie, už v dávnych dobách ženy predávali svoje telo, aby uživili rodinu. Prežijú sex ponuky za peniaze dobu, kde stále častejšie počuť o „priateľoch s benefitmi?“ Kamarát na sex Isté, kamoš na

Do You Send The Texts You Want To Send?

We are lucky that nowadays, most of the communication is done via texts, Facebook, etc. Because, we do have time to think through what we really want to say. Unlike in real face-to-face conversations, where things cannot be unsaid. While when you are writing a

The Word Mother And Its Meaning

The word we learn to say first, or the word that most of us learn to say first is definitely “mother”. Or maybe mom, mommy, or something like that. The meaning, however, does not change. At least, not while we are children. But as the