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Monthly Archives: July 2015

Yummy! Egg Breakfast!

What do you usually eat for breakfast? Eggs? Well, many people do, they are tasty and healthy and it is kind of a habit – to eat eggs for breakfast. So if you are one of the people that eat them then this hack will

Teen Seeing Encyclopedias For The First Time

Do you remember encyclopedias? You know, those huge books with lots of pictures and lots of information in it. They used to be quite popular and very interesting indeed. However, now they have been replaced with internet. And it is no wonder. Because it is

Do You Know What 100 Calories Looks Like?

Calories. Everyone talks about them and everyone counts them. But do we really know how to do that? There is a certain number of calories that we should eat per day and this number is important mainly for those wo are struggling to lose or