Is “The Perfect Body” The Perfect Body?
There is too much pressure on the body shapes of women and men from magazines, fashion industry and so on. The models are almost too skinny, the clothes that are fashionable mostly suit just very slim people. And we all forget about the fact that there is no “perfect body” because we all look different and we should never worship just one ideal of beauty. In fact, there is plenty of people who are so different, unique and beautiful in their own way. And the same thing applies to your body!
Casey Ho, a fitness instructor, who got a lot of negative comments about her body decided to make an experiment. She posted a picture of herself photoshopped without telling anyone. And the comments…They were still negative. There were still people that did not like her body and had to say something mean about it. So she decided to make a video where she photoshopped herself in order to create the so called “perfect body” just to prove how ridiculous the entire concept is.