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Low Sex Drive? Try These Natural Aphrodisiacs

Low sex drive is quite common among women. And it can really be frustrating if one does not know what to do in order to deal with it, right? It is obvious that you probably want your relationship to work and that you want to have a great sex life, but how can you do that if your sex drive is just not working the way it should? Well, do not be afraid. This problem can be solved, just like any other problem can be. All you need to do is read this article and try some of this natural aphrodisiac that will definitely boost your sex drive!

And the best thing is, that you probably have most of these in your kitchen! So, you can start improving your sex life right now!

  1. Basil. Who does not love basil? You can put it on anything, right? And the best thing is that it helps to improve your blood flow!
  2. Cinnamon. Have a glass of milk with some cinnamon on top. It will heat your body up!
  3. Pine nuts. These will be great for your boyfriend because they contain zinc which helps the body produce testosterone.
  4. Chocolate. A square of dark chocolate will work wonders!
  5. Coconut water. It boosts your blood flow.

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Well, these are just a few of the foods that can boost your sex drive. The truth is that there are lots of foods that can help you with your problem. So, basically, by changing your eating habits, you can change a lot more!

But this is not everything that we have for you! Here are some herbs that might also help you with low sex drive in case you would like!

  1. Saffron – all you need is a tiny amount of this precious herb.
  2. Nutmeg – this one is said to be effective for men and women as well.
  3. Cloves – these are used for women who have no sexual desire.
  4. Passionflower – this one is also good for both males and females.
  5. Maca root – this is great for postmenopausal women.

Well? We hope you have found this helpful! And we hope that they will actually help you once you try them. Good luck!

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What more you need to know

Aphrodisiacs have been an inseparable part of some people’s lives for a long time. They are consumed to increase libido and make people feel more energetic during their sexual encounters. Whether we talk about aphrodisiac foods or natural pills, it is true that there are many questions individuals wish to know before making the decision to consume them.

Are aphrodisiacs considered to be a drug?

Aphrodisiacs are almost always herbal products based on special ingredients from plants. Since the global market has invested thousands of dollars in producing new supplements that can increase libido and act as enhancers of sexual potency among couples, we usually wonder about the category in which they belong. Are they some kind of drug? The answer is, actually, no.

Aphrodisiacs are over-the-counter products and they belong to the wide category of supplements. Most of the aphrodisiac products nowadays are FDA compliant and have passed all the necessary controls in order to get to market. Many of them are also given only with a medical prescription. They should not get mixed up with drugs that are used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.[1]    

What are the best aphrodisiacs?

There are two main categories of aphrodisiacs: foods and supplements. Each category has some important representatives that are considered the best in the field of natural libido boosters. Specifically, the best foods you can consume if you wish to see some impressive results from the very start are oysters, chocolate, ginseng, horny goat weed, damiana, maca[2], ginkgo and chaste berry.

Many of the natural products, like weeds or special parts of plants, have been used to create powerful aphrodisiacs in the field of medicine. Maca root and pine pollen are two supplements found in pharmacies that are really effective in dealing with sexual issues. Cocoa extract and rose essential oil are also popular choices.[3]    

What is the active ingredient in aphrodisiacs?

Each aphrodisiac supplement has its own active ingredient that is responsible for the effects on the human body. Arginine is a well-known ingredient that forms an amino acid in the human body that increases blood flow and enhances sexual desire. The active ingredient of Yohimbe is known for its ability to increase dilation of blood vessels and therefore provides an aphrodisiac result.

Horny goat weed contains a compound named Icariin that increases blood flow in men that can lead to a better sexual life.[4] Histidine is also a common active ingredient of a variety of supplements. It is actually an amino acid, which stimulates the human body when a sexual stimulus appears.

Do aphrodisiacs really work?

Many of us wonder about the efficacy of aphrodisiacs. Do they really work? The answer is a big yes. Scientifically speaking, nowadays we know that an aphrodisiac can work in two different ways. One way includes the stimulation of parts of the body that are associated with sexual awareness. By doing so, aphrodisiacs increase blood flow towards the various sexual tissues of the body. The other way has a lot to do with the brain. The brain is the most vital organ that controls emotions, desires and thoughts. An aphrodisiac can act on certain receptors in the brain that encourage lusty feelings.

Food, as well as supplements that act as aphrodisiacs, contains substances and active ingredients that, when they come in touch with the body, result in a series of reactions, all of which are highly associated with sexual awareness.[5]

A simple example is a capsaicin, which is contained in chili peppers. This compound can increase libido in both men and women due to the development of some physiological responses, including sweating and increased heart rate. For people who suffer from a circulation problem, an aphrodisiac can help by relaxing and improving blood flow to the blood vessels in the genitals, provoking a result that includes sexual awareness and prolonged desire.

Are any aphrodisiacs illegal in the US?

For the last few years, a large number of supplements that act as aphrodisiacs have made their appearance in the global market. Companies around the world have launched new products that promise to be more effective than their previous versions. It is true that most of these supplements are legal and FDA compliant. A lot of them are also available only with a doctor’s prescription.

Since the majority of aphrodisiacs nowadays are naturally based – usually made from certain parts of plants – they are safe enough for everyone to use. As mentioned before, aphrodisiacs aren’t drugs. They are considered food supplements and therefore they have not passed all the clinical trials that drugs have to before they appear in the market. However, aphrodisiacs need to have certain safety and effectiveness characteristics in order to obtain approval from the Food and Drug Administration.

Are aphrodisiacs dangerous?

When aphrodisiacs are approved by the FDA, they are safe to use. The fact that they are mainly natural formulas with ingredients derived from plants adds greatly to their safety. Users should also only consume dosages prescribed by their doctor. and avoid over-consumption. That will decrease the appearance of any side effects, including nausea or vomiting. Generally speaking, approved aphrodisiacs that work as libido enhancer substances do not contain any harmful compounds. For this reason, they are safe to use by anyone, both men and women of all ages.[6]

Nowadays, it seems as if more and more aphrodisiacs make their appearance on the global market. Although they are not considered drugs, these products can really help you become more sexually energetic and have better experiences in the bedroom. However, it is important that you always purchase those products from legal pharmacies and follow the advice of your doctor or pharmacist.

[1] Gallé G, Trummer H. The etiology of erectile dysfunction and mechanisms by which drugs improve erection. Drugs Today (Barc) 2003;39:193–202.

[2] Gonzales GF, Córdova A, Vega K, Chung A, Villena A, Góñez C, et al. Effect of Lepidium meyenii (MACA) on sexual desire and its absent relationship with serum testosterone levels in adult healthy men. Andrologia. 2002;34:367–72.


[4] Thakur M, Chauhan NS, Bhargava S, Dixit VK. A comparative study on aphrodisiac activity of some ayurvedic herbs in male albino rats. Arch Sex Behav. 2009;38:1009–15.


[6] Lee SW, Wang HZ, Christ GJ. Characterization of ATP-sensitive potassium channels in human corporal smooth muscle cells. Int J Impot Res. 1999;11:179–88.