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Understanding Low Sex Drive in Women and Potential Solutions

When it comes to sex drive, women and men are different. While men usually do not have to deal with low libido, women do. And they do so often.

The things is, female sexuality is very complex. Just like everything about women is, right? Well, so many things affect female libido, that it almost seems impossible that women still want to have sex. Seriously. It is not only age and the loss of hormones. Fear of pregnancy, or the want of pregnancy. It can be stress, body image, performance anxiety….. Well, the list is long. And you need to understand that women need to feel good about themselves in order to be able to enjoy sex. And also, they need more time in order to get into mood. So be patient! You need to understand all this in order to be able to do something about it.

Yes, both women and men need to know what is affecting their libido. And their sexual life. And of course, they need to know what they can do in order to improve it!


So, what are the possible solutions to the complicated female libido?

Well, first of all, there are various things that can be done. Like taking time off, doing something to help you relax and stop being constantly under pressure. Finding something relaxing. That could really help. For example, you can try go away for the weekend. Changing the location can really help you. Really.

Then you can experiment. Usually, it is due to the routine that your libido is low. So instead of doing the same things you always do, do something different. Watch an erotic movie, try new positions, get a toy. Well, use your imagination!

And if these things do not work, then you can try some libido enhancers! There are lots of foods that are helping with low libido and there are also great aphrodisiacs that can solve your problem quickly! But everything is up to you. You are the one who is in charge and whatever you decide to do is great. Just make sure that you are doing something. Otherwise your sex life and low libido could harm your relationship. And that is probably not the thing you want to happen.