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All posts by Ricardo P.

Do You Know Plart?

Have you ever heard about Plart? Yes? No? Probably not. It is rather new. Plart is a hyper-realistic plate art. And the point of it is in painting food on the plates so that it looks realistic. Just like this slice of pizza. Hmm…I would

What Happens After Graduation

Those of you freshly graduated, congratulations! You have made it through the easiest part of your life. And now, the real life begins. And the questions are coming from all directions. Some of them are less pleasant than others, but none of them really make

Blind People: How They See Race?

You would probably think that race is just the problem of us, people who can see. But the truth is, blind people come across this problem too. Whether you believe it or not, blind people perceive race in the same way the rest of us

What It Is Like To Be Married

Most of the newlyweds have big expectations for their marriage. But some of them are also very scared of the unknown and listening to your friends and your family telling you about their marital problems is really not helping them to feel better. If you

When A Man Is Crying

Guys and crying, those two things just do not go together. Or at least, quys pretend that they don´t. And secretly, well, who knows what they are doing when no one is watching. Perhaps a guy´s night might look something like what is shown in

High-Maintenance Co-Worker

People are different, some have higher standards, some do not. It is much harder to get along with some than with others. And guess who it is harder to get along with. Low-maintenance people? No. It is especially difficult when such person is your colleague.

Watch This Moose Family Cooling Off!

It is not seen every day: animals jumping around your lawn. Well, supposing you do not have a dog. But right now, I am not talking about pets. I am talking about real wild animals. And such thing happened in Alaska. When Candice Helm saw