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All posts by Ricardo P.

Couples And Breath Freshening Products

There are tons of breath freshening products out there. And we all know it. And we barely get to try half of them. So we actually have very low chances of finding the best one, right? Well, luckily, we do not have to do that

First Day At Work

First day at work is hard. Everybody knows it. Because there is nothing more stressful than coming to your new workplace for the first time and having to spend the entire day there. I mean, as if it was not terrible enough that you have

Is Acne Still Your Problem?

Okay, okay, we get it, you are an adult now so you expect that everything in your life will begin acting adult-like. You expect your parents to listen to your advice, you expect your siblings to do so too and you expect your acne to

Try These Awesome Ice Cream Treats!

Ice cream is the best thing that you can eat during the summer. Ain´t that right? It is cold and super refreshing. And so delicious. However, it can get a little bit boring after a while. But we do not want you to give up

Vegas Back Then

Everybody wants to go to Vegas! Or wanted to at a certain point of their life. There is just something about the city. And you probably know what it is. The atmophere is just unique! I mean, there is no place like Vegas! But was

Yummy! Egg Breakfast!

What do you usually eat for breakfast? Eggs? Well, many people do, they are tasty and healthy and it is kind of a habit – to eat eggs for breakfast. So if you are one of the people that eat them then this hack will