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Category Archives: 18yr +

The Sexual Freedom Women are Looking For

Yes, women want sexual freedom! We know that it might sounds shocking and surprising but it is true. Women want to enjoy sex just as much as men do. And there is nothing wrong about it. And they also want their sexual freedom. Although it

Dirty Sex Doesn’t Exist

Or does it? What exactly is dirty sex? Is it something inappropriate or something we simply do not like doing? Well, to be honest, is it difficult to decide what is and what is not dirty about sex, right? While some people may think that

Reap the Fruits of Better Sex in Marriage

Sex in marriage is not the same as sex you have when you are in new relationship. The first months are always the best, right? But what happens next? Well, let’s just say, it is not the same anymore. Things change, you get more comfortable

Low Sex Drive? Try These Natural Aphrodisiacs

Low sex drive is quite common among women. And it can really be frustrating if one does not know what to do in order to deal with it, right? It is obvious that you probably want your relationship to work and that you want to

Are You Shying Away From Sex Due to Pain?

Sure, you cannot expect your sex life to be the same as it was at the beginning of your relationship all the time, however, a good sex life that is satisfying for both of you is something you should strive to have. Compromis is necessary

Fun Things You Should Do As A Couple

We all desire to keep your relationships fun and interesting for as long as it is possible, right? We simply detest stereotype and so we are willing to do what it takes to avoid it. Are we? Well, I bet that we are, but sometimes,

Načo sú sex ponuky – prežije prostitúcia modernú dobu?

Sex ponuky boli populárne od nepamäti. Už v milosti páni vyhľadávali niekoho na potešenie, už v dávnych dobách ženy predávali svoje telo, aby uživili rodinu. Prežijú sex ponuky za peniaze dobu, kde stále častejšie počuť o „priateľoch s benefitmi?“ Kamarát na sex Isté, kamoš na

Guys Answering Awkvard Questions

If there is anything that you have ever wanted to ask your boyfriend or male friend but you were simply too ashamed to do so, well, you do not have to. All the questions, and the answers to them, are here. Seriously. Because, we all